We understand how frustrating it is to realize that your keys were lost or stolen. Fortunately, this situation does not have to be as dreadful as it seems. Car key replacement is one of our most requested services and we are only a phone call away.
When people lose car keys, the first thing that comes to mind is to call the car dealership. Trips to dealerships usually end up quite expensive, time consuming, and inconvenient. In addition, if all of the keys are lost, most of the time you are required to have your car towed to the dealership in order for them to program your brand new key. Another important factor is that most service departments at the dealer usually close at 5pm and are closed on Sundays.
Calling LIMU Express Locksmith is a much better value. We provide affordable pricing, save you from having your car towed, and are available 24/7/365. Our technician will come to the location of your vehicle and do the job on-site. We will provide a key or a fob, generate cuts (if necessary), and program it for you. The process usually takes between 30-45 minutes. The best part is that our service is still up to 70% less expensive than what the dealer charges. It is a win-win situation for you.