A safe is a strong cabinet with a complex lock used for the storage of your most valuable assets, such as cash, jewelry, guns, important documents, and anything that holds significant value. Safes come in varying sizes and with varying functions. Some are relatively small for tiny jewelry, and others are heavy duty as well as fireproof. Regardless of size or purpose LIMU Express professional locksmiths have the capability to open them.
Please be reassured that the content of the safe will not be damaged during the opening process. However, we cannot guarantee that the safe will not be damaged during the opening process. It all depends on the safe locking mechanism. In many cases we will be forced to carry it outside and cut it open. We do not service large size safes, such as gun safes or safes higher than 30 inches.
If you are having trouble opening your safe, LIMU Express safe professionals are only a call away. Regardless of the situation we will gain access to your safe and leave the content undamaged.